OPCF Endorsement List Ontario

OPCF List Ontario Policy Change Forms: Codes, Meaning, and Explanation
If you’ve ever wondered how to decode or understand the meaning of insurance endorsements on your Ontario automobile policy, you’ve come to the right place!
This article will outline the popular Ontario Policy Claims Form (OPCF) endorsements administered by the Financial Service Regulatory Authority. This means that any form containing the OPCF acronym will indicate that it’s a standard Ontario Policy Claims Form endorsement, where the coverage wordings are identical across all insurance companies. The Ontario Policy Claims Forms are endorsements of insurance that can be added to your policy to either add or remove certain coverage.
There are also manuscript, insurance endorsements, which are not standardized or identical in coverage wording. These floaters (just another name for endorsements) of insurance can be different in scope of coverage, from one company to another. Special attention should be paid to reading the fine print and not assuming that manuscript endorsement and wordings are the same as OPCF forms!
OPCF – Ontario Policy Claims Forms
The following is a list of some of the more popular endorsements:
OPCF 27 Explained – Meaning and Limits
This endorsement covers you for liability for damages to non-owned vehicles when you or any insured drivers, rent or lease other vehicles. The OPCF 27 is designed for personal use vehicles.
The coverage is meant to transfer coverage from your policy to non-owned vehicles. Most drivers become more interested in this endorsement when deciding whether they need to purchase rental vehicle insurance during an auto claim, or when renting out additional vehicles for vacationing purposes.
The OPCF 27 endorsement is often referred to as “rental car insurance” when looking for insurance protection against potential damages to the rental vehicle you’re responsible for.
Typically, when someone makes an auto claim in Ontario, they will eventually need a temporary substitute vehicle while their vehicle is being repaired or replaced. Most claimants will rent a vehicle and question whether they also need to purchase insurance from the rental car company. If you carry the OPCF 27 endorsement, coverage should extend to the rental vehicle, subject to limitations.
OPCF 27 Limits
Although the endorsement wordings of the OPCF 27 are the same, across all auto insurers in Ontario, the maximum payout or limit can vary, depending on the amount of coverage you choose when you initially purchase your car insurance. For example, you may have the OPCF 27 endorsement with a $25,000 limit, or it could be lower or higher depending on what you require. The limit is the maximum your insurance company would pay out for damages or loss you may be responsible for to a rental vehicle. The monetary limit on the OPCF 27 endorsement should be taken into consideration when deciding on what type of rental vehicle you should choose. Drivers who drive expensive vehicles tend to ask for higher limits.
OPCF 27b Coverage Explained:
The OPCF27b is very similar to the OPCF27 but is meant for commercial or business vehicles. The key differences between the OPCF 27 and the OPCF 27b stem from compensation limits.
The OPCF 27b has no weight restriction on the vehicle being insured, whereas the OPCF 27 has a weight restriction of 4,500 kg.
Coverage extends to vehicles connected to your business, not for personal use. The OPCF 27b also has monetary limitations to coverage, similar to the personal lines version.
OPCF 44r – Family Protection Coverage, Meaning, and Explanation
The OPCF 44r endorsement is meant to provide coverage should an inadequately, insured motorist cause damages, injuries, or death arising from the use or operation of a motor vehicle. Essentially, it makes up the difference in compensation limits should an at-fault diver be uninsured or underinsured.
Is the OPCF44r mandatory?
No, but most insurance companies will not allow the removal of this endorsement, since it’s very important to have and the cost is negligible.
OPCF 20 – Coverage for Transportation Replacement / Loss of Use, Explained
The OPCF 20 covers you for when your vehicle is incapacitated by an insured peril and because of that loss or damage, you require alternate transportation. Typically, drivers using this endorsement would choose a rental vehicle as an alternate means of transportation. However, alternate means of transportation such as taxis or public transportation. (on a reimbursement basis)
OPCF 20 Limit
When you purchased the OPCF 20 insurance endorsement, you would have chosen a limit for this coverage. Common limits are $1,000, $1,500, and $2,000, depending on what your insurance company offers and your preference. Keep in mind that the coverage ends once your vehicle has been repaired, or if written off, once your company tenders an offer of settlement to you. Why, because the OPCF 20 endorsement covers the loss of use of the vehicle.
OPCF 43 – Waiver of Depreciation, Meaning, and Explanation
The OPCF 43 supplements your auto policy, OAP 1, by substituting replacement cost as the basis for claims settlement, instead of ACV (actual cash value). The basis for claim settlement according to the Ontario Automobile Policy, OAP 1, is the vehicle’s actual cash value. Actual cash value (ACV) means depreciation is automatically deducted from the claim settlement amount. In contrast, the OPCF 43, does not factor depreciation into the claim settlement.
OPCF 43 – How it works and its limitations
The coverage under the OPCF 43 endorsement stipulates how your insurance company will pay for the loss. The following are the conditions:
1 – you must be the original purchaser of the vehicle
2 – the vehicle needs to be new at the time of delivery (can be a demo model subject to limited kilometres, which vary depending on the insurance company)
3 – the loss or damage must occur within a specific period, from when the vehicle was delivered to you. The period varies as insurance companies have different options but typically the endorsement is in force for two years.
How much will the OPCF 43 payout be?
Your insurance company will pay the lowest of the following amounts:
1 – The actual purchase price of the automobile and its equipment
2 – The manufacturer’s suggested list price of the automobile and its equipment on the original date of purchase, or
3 – The cost of replacing the automobile with a new automobile of the same make and model, similarly equipped.
These amounts include all applicable taxes.
What the OPCF 43 does NOT cover?
The OPCF 43 does NOT apply to tires, batteries, or Betterment of the automobile resulting from repairing or replacing parts for prior unrepaired damage.
OPCF 43A – Removing Depreciation Deduction for Specified Lessee(s)
The OPCF 43a is the same as the OPCF 43 but geared towards leased vehicles.
OPCF 16 – Suspension of Coverage – Meaning and Explanation
The OPCF 16 endorsement suspends coverage for the use and operation of your vehicle until coverage is reinstated. Typically, there is a refund for removing coverage since the vehicle is no longer covered.
OPCF 17 – Reinstatement of Coverage
The OPCF 17 endorsement reinstates coverage that had been cancelled by the OPCF 16.
OPCF 19 – Limitation of Amount
The OPCF 19 endorsement is meant to limit the amount of damages or loss paid by your insurer. The endorsement limits coverage to the stated amount on your certificate of insurance, or the actual cash value, whichever is less.
The endorsement typically requires an appraisal/pictures and extra information about your vehicle, so that your insurance company can decide whether to insure the vehicle or not. The OPCF 19 is typically added for vehicles that do not meet the norm and have deviated from the original manufacturer’s, default equipment or are older vehicles. If offered, OPCF 19 will restrict coverage to AVC (actual cash value) and may not cover all the extras and allowable modifications. Do NOT confuse this with the OPCF 19A, which many people do! OPCF 19 and OPCF 19A sound very similar but are very, very different!
OPCF 19A – Valued Automobile, Meaning, Wordings, and Explanation
The OPCF 19A endorsement will cover damages or loss, for a specified amount, agreed to in the certificate of insurance. Typically, the vehicle description, year, make, model, vehicle identification number, and the amount of insurance are added to the endorsement.
The Insurance company will usually ask for an appraisal from an accredited appraisal service. The appraisal will contain the amount the vehicle is appraised at, along with pictures of any upgrades or modifications. Drivers of older, classic, or vintage automobiles often ask for this type of endorsement insurance.
OPCV 19 vs OPCF 19A
There is a lot of confusion about the differences and similarities between these two endorsements. The endorsements are very different from each other but share the same requirement to supply an appraisal/photos, etc. to the insurance company before coverage starts. They also share a very similar name!
The appraisal of the vehicle is what confuses people the most since both endorsements typically require one. However, the appraisal for the OPCF 19 doesn’t mean you’re insuring to an agreed value. If the endorsement has an “a” after 19, then we’re talking about a different endorsement altogether.
The problem comes from the misconception that if an appraisal was done – or pictures and other relevant information needed to obtain insurance for the vehicle was supplied – you’re insuring to an agreed value, or insuring to what you believe your vehicle is worth. In the case of OPCF 19, you’re only getting the actual cash value (ACV) or the amount on the certificate of insurance, whichever is less! It’s only with the OPCF 19a that you’re insuring your vehicle to an agreed value.
OPCF 5 – Meaning, Definition, Wordings, and Coverage
The OPCF 5 is an endorsement meant to override the exclusion in the OAP 1 (Ontario Automobile Policy) for renting or leasing by you to another. The endorsement permits the lessor (the leasing company) to lease out the vehicle to the lessee.
OPCF 5C – Permission to Rent or lease (unspecified lessees- short-term leases only)
The OPCF 5C is similar to the OPCF 5 but geared towards short-term rental or leased vehicles.
OPCF 23A – Lienholder Protection, Mortgage Endorsement, Meaning and Explanation
The OPCF23 protects anyone who has an insurable interest in the vehicle. This endorsement typically includes protection for lienholders and Mortgagee such as banks, lending institutions, car financing companies, and leasing companies.
OPCF 23B – Mortgage Endorsement, Lienholder Protection Broad Form
The OPCF23B is very similar to the OPCF 23A but with an extra layer of protection for the lienholder. It requires the insurance company to notify the lienholder when insurance has been cancelled by the policyholder and also ensures that if an insured violated a policy condition that would normally result in denial of coverage, the lienholder would still be indemnified.
OPCF 28A – Excluded Driver Endorsement
The OPCF 28 endorsement is meant to exclude a driver from operating your vehicle or vehicles described on your policy.
The endorsement is signed by the excluded drover and the policy holder/s. The vehicle or vehicle descriptions, including Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), are also included in the vehicle details.
If an excluded driver operates a vehicle that is excluded by the endorsement, coverage may be denied for your claim.
Why a requirement to exclude a driver with the OPCF 28A?
The Ontario Application for Automobile Insurance (OAF 1), section 4, states that all licensed drivers in the household must be disclosed to your insurance company. This requirement helps insurance companies charge the appropriate premium for the risk they assume. Other licensed drivers in the household who have access to the insured vehicle typically would be charged a premium. The exception is if they have insurance, or need to be excluded with the OPCF 28a endorsement.
Insurance companies have different underwriting requirements and conditions. If a licensed driver in a household doesn’t meet the acceptance criteria of a particular insurer, someone
OPCF28 – Reducing Coverage for Named Persons
The OPCF 28 is similar to the OPCF 28A, but instead of excluding the driver, altogether, this endorsement allows you to reduce insurance coverage for that specific driver.
OPCF 47 – Agreement not to Rely on SABS Priority of Payment Rules
The OPCF 47 endorsement is meant to override the priority of payment rule ( section 268 of the insurance act), for SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule), which might require an injured person to claim through a policy that does not offer optional accident benefit coverages. This endorsement allows a person to claim under the policy with optional accident benefit coverages, provided that person doesn’t claim for SABS from another policy.
OPCF 35 – Roadside Assistance. Meaning, Explanation, and Wording
The OPCF 35 insurance endorsement reimburses you for any towing and emergency services caused by the disablement of your vehicle. The disablement needs to be provable.
OPCF 32 – Recreational Vehicle Endorsement
The OPCF 32 endorsement states that, while the recreational vehicle is being operated off a public highway, the insurer waives compliance with Statutory Condition 2(l), which prohibits the insured from driving or permitting another person to drive or operate the automobile unless the insured or other person is authorized by law to drive or operate it.
OPCF 6A – Permission to Carry Passengers for Compensation Endorsement
The OPCF 6A endorsement overrides the exclusion in the OAP 1, section 1.8, which excludes damages or loss from the use or operation of the insured vehicle when carrying passengers for compensation.
This endorsement is typically found on commercial auto policies such as taxis, cabs, and Uber drivers.
OPCF 6B – School Bus Endorsement
The OPCF 6B is meant to override section 5(12)c of the Ontario Automobile Insurance Act, which prohibits the carrying of passengers for hire or school purposes.
OPCF 6C – Public Passenger Vehicle
The OPCF 6C is very similar to the OPCF 6B but specifically meant for public transit vehicles. I.e City Bus
OPCF 40 – Fire Deductible Endorsement Definition, and Meaning
The OPCF 40 is meant to make your deductible applicable to loss or damage caused by the peril of fire. By default, deductibles do not apply to fire losses under the OAP 1.
Why have an OPCF 40?
Policyholders who wish to reduce their auto insurance premium. Applying the OPCF 40 to the auto policy makes the deductible for fire losses applicable, and the insured shares risk in the loss or damage with your insurer.
OPCF 30 – Removing Coverage for Attached Machinery
The OPCF 30 is meant to remove coverage for the loss or damage resulting from the ownership, use or operation of attached machinery or apparatus. This endorsement removes liability and accident benefits coverage associated with the ownership, use or operation of the attached equipment or machinery.
OPCF 38 – Agreed Limit for Automobile Electronic Accessories and Equipment
The OPCF 38 endorsement limits how much the insurance company will pay for automobile electronic accessories and equipment, other than factory-installed equipment, subject to agreed amounts.